Europe of the Carpathians

Z Europa Karpat
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Europe of the Carpathians” – a series of international conferences and a forum for dialogue covering the countries in which the Carpathians are located and the neighboring countries. It is related to the "Green Carpathians" project, the aim of which was to develop Polish-Slovak-Ukrainian cooperation.

The initiative was inspired by the then voivode of the Podkarpackie Province at the turn of 1999–2000.

Europa Karpat” – cykl międzynarodowych konferencji i forum dialogu obejmującego swoim zasięgiem kraje na których terytorium znajdują się Karpaty, oraz państwa z nimi sąsiadujące. Ma związek z projektem „Zielone Karpaty”, którego celem był rozwój współpracy polsko-słowacko-ukraińskiej. 
Inicjatywa powstała z inspiracji ówczesnego wojewody województwa podkarpackiego na przełomie 1999–2000.


Data City Conference topics Record and sound
1999-2000 The „Green Carpathians” project aimed at developing Polish-Slovak-Ukrainian cooperation.

The initiator was the then deputy voivode of Podkarpacie, Marek Kuchciński.

22 May 2003 Kijów, Ukraina Adoption of the framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians

(the so-called Carpathian Convention)

27 February 2006 Signing of the Carpathian Convention by the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński
19 June 2006 Poland's ratification of the Carpathian Convention
30 November 2007 I meeting of parliamentarians of the Carpathian states initiated by the chairman

of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry

of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Marek Kuchciński, MP

26 February 2011 Przemyśl II International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
25 June 2011 Nowy Targ III International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians".

The slogan of the conference: "Europe rich in the Carpathians"

7-8 September 2011 Krynica-Zdrój IV International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians". Krynica-Zdrój Economic Forum.

Adoption of the Carpathian Memorandum

25 February 2012 Krasiczyn V International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians". Krasiczyn
6-9 June 2012 Jaremcze, Ukraina VI meeting on the development of Carpathian cooperation. Yaremche, Ukraine
6 September 2012 Krynica-Zdrój VII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians". Krynica-Zdrój Economic Forum
23 February 2013 Krasiczyn VIII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians".

Adoption of the Krasiczyn Declaration

8 September 2013 Krynica-Zdrój IX International conference "Europe of the Carpathians". Krynica-Zdrój.

Acceptance of the Krynica Memorandum

29-30 November 2013 Sárospatak, Węgry X meeting on the development of Carpathian cooperation
3 September 2014 Krynica-Zdrój XI International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians".

Adoption of the Krynica Declaration

27–28 February 2015 Krasiczyn XII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
25 July 2015 Smerek k. Wetliny XIII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
9 September 2015 Krynica-Zdrój XIV International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
27 February 2016 Przemyśl XV International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
6-8 September 2016 Krynica-Zdrój XVI International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
29 Jan 2017 Przemyśl XVII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians".

Adoption of the Przemyśl Declaration

23-25 June 2017 Truskawiec, Ukraina XVIII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"

as part of the 2nd Local Development Forum in Truskavets

5-7 September 2017 Krynica-Zdrój XIX International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
17 February 2018 Przemyśl XX International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
16 June 2018 Regietów XXI International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
5-6 September 2018 Krynica-Zdrój XXII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" recording
16-17 February 2019 Krasiczyn XXIII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
15 June 2019 Regietów XXIV International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
4-5 September 2019 Krynica-Zdrój XXV International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
21-23 February 2020 Krasiczyn XXVI International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
8-9 September 2020 Karpacz XXVII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" recording
27-28 February 2021 Przemyśl XXVIII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"
19 June 2021 Regietów XXIX International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" recording
7-9 September 2021 Karpacz XXX International "Europe of the Carpathians" conference 8 i 9
27 November 2021 Węgierska Górka XXXI International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" recording
5-6 February 2022 Przemyśl / Krasiczyn XXXII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" 5 i 6
5 February 2022 Krasiczyn Signing of the Declaration of the International Clubs of Europe of the Carpathians
5 April 2022 Establishing the Clubs of Europe of the Carpathians
13-14 May 2022 Krasiczyn XXXIII International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" 13 i 14
6-9 September 2022 Karpacz XXXIV International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians" 6, 7, 8
5-7 September 2023 Kapracz XXXVI International Conference "Europe of the Carpathians"


No Name Township Date Notes
The Carpathian Memorandum September 8, 2011
Conclusions adopted at the "Europe of the Carpathians" conference September 4-6, 2012
The Krasiczyn Declaration Krasiczyn February 23, 2013
The Krynica Memorandum Krynica September 8, 2013
The Krynica Declaration Krynica September 3, 2014
The Przemyśl Declaration Przemyśl January 29, 2017

Europe of the Carpathians
Europa Karpat
Europa der Karpaten
Evropa Karpat
Европа Карпата
Európa Karpát
Europa Carpaților
Європа Карпат
A Kárpátok Európája

Symbol of Europe of the Carpathians
European countries of the Carpathians
Members Flag of Austria.svg.png   Austria

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg.png   Czech Republic
Flag of Hungary.svg.png   Hungary
Flag of Poland.svg.png   Poland
Flag of Romania.svg.png   Romania
Flag of Serbia.svg.png   Serbia
Flag of Slovakia.svg.png   Slovakia
Flag of Ukraine.svg.png   Ukraine

Creation breakthrough of 1999-2000


  1. Europe of the Carpathians - Karpacz 7-9 september 2021, Wydawnicwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2022, p. 156. ISBN 978-83-7666-741-6.
  2. Europe of the Carpatihians Clubs, Chancellery of the Sejm, Warszaw 2022, p.29. ISBN 978-83-962308-1-2.


  1. Europa Karpat - Karpacz 7-9 września 2021, Wydawnicwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2022, str. 156-157. ISBN 978-83-7666-727-0.